Creating a Shopify ‘add to cart’ link

Hypervisual has powerful tools to embed your products with variant selectors and an add to cart button. But sometimes you want to create a link which adds a product (or products!) to your cart without the product image, product name or variant selector. Here's how to do it.

If you have Hypervisual installed, open your product page in your store, and add ?LIST_VARIANTS to the end of the URL, for example:

When you visit that page you'll get a list of all of your product variants, the add to cart URLs and the direct to checkout URLs.

(If this doesn't work, and your product page URL already has question mark in it, try &LIST_VARIANTS instead.)

If you don't have Hypervisual installed, things get trickier. You need to construct the link manually like this:

and replace 12345 with your variant ID. To find the variant ID, the easiest way is to open the product inside your Shopify admin, click 'Edit' next to the particular variant you want to have added to the basket, then pick the variant ID up from the URL that's then inside your browser address bar: it's the very last number at the end of the web address.

To learn how to make direct-to-checkout links without Hypervisual installed, read this Shopify help article: Use permalinks to pre-load the cart.

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